The New Way to start finish plan Technology Projects.

Founded in 2017, we seek to change the way technology projects are delivered. We are a group of highly skilled technologists who provide consulting and implementation services across all things analytics and security.

We understand that great decisions can come from anywhere, and enable everyone to have a voice. We are a flat organization with teamwork and learning following our desire to deliver products and services that positively impact our clients. There are no internal initiatives or outside destractions, our job is to drive towards results.

From a pricing perspective, we generally don't seek recurring monthly fees for our solutions. We've built many of our solutions on open-source software, which lets us pass the savings on to the client. At TechBuilders, there is no concept of middle-managers or Directors to pay for - we have years of project experience at some of the largest companies and have the skills to self manage.

Deliver top-tier products & services.

Become our clients trusted technology partner.

Make a positive impact.

Contribute back to the technology community.

Lead through example.

Transparency through communication.

Our consultants are leveraged in an "on demand" fashion. Which means the client does not effectively pay for the non-billable hours of normal consultants or the overhead that full time employees carry. Most of the work can be completed remotely, which allows us to be effective and accessible yet cost efficient. This structure positions us to keep top talent and productive across timezones, delivering projects on time and within budget.

The Process We Follow

Of course, all projects are different. We can jump in and augment your team anywhere in the software development lifecycle or lead from the beginning, your choice.

Planning & Design

The planning and design function is a critical piece of the puzzle. Our approach is to take a deep dive on current state and understand what's working, not working, and where you want to go. We can use interviews with power users, surveys, and white boarding sessions to draw out exactly what's needed from your systems.

We then get to work designing a blueprint of what the architectural solution could look like, factoring in requirements, cost, and scalability. If we're building a dashboard, we build proofs of concept so you get an idea of look and feel and functional aspects. This is where we can show the "art of the possible" and make tweaks to fit your style and needs.

Build & Test

From idea to something tangible, this is where we take the wireframes and build the platform according to the agreed upon spec, integrating with current systems and using real data.

We tend to find data quality issues in this step and uncover differences in conformed dimensions and calculations. We like to involve a few power users to confirm we're on the right path, sometimes we have to make tweaks from the wireframe and work arounds are required.

We performance test, systems integration test, unit test, cross-browser test, and test the data for accuracy. At this point, we don't like to find any surprises when we deploy to User Acceptance Testing (UAT) or Production.

Before moving to the next step, we like to get sign-off from the client so we both know what's landing in production and what the risks are (if any).

Implementation & Training

If it's deploying a solution or product we have built, or standing up a vanilla business intelligence platform (like QlikView or Qlik Sense), we can assist with both. Implementation is the process of harmonizing hardware, software, and design requirements to achieve the desired result.

Communication is key during implementations. Before deployment we create documents that outline the installation procedures in case of emergency and for repeatability. At this point, we understand the risks and have a back-out and remediation procedure if things don't go as planned.

After implementation, we can follow up with end users to pull out key features and tool specific items that make using the solution more valuable. During these training sessions, we tie the feature with the functional benefit which often drives user adoption and engagement. With our alliances, we also get discounts on in-house training and have access to a mountain of learning options (videos, tutorials, white papers etc.).


Post deployment support is achieved through a variety of ways. The solution may require ongoing maintenance, driving user adoption, administration, or maybe you just don't want to deal with the vendors.

Our alliances often give us discounts on licensing, training, and support. If you're a large company and manage multiple vendors, you know how time intensive and annoying they can be. If there is a product defect or need to purchase more licenses, we'll be your single source for all vendor relations.

Our History